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SDH Sentul Launched To Fulfill the Community’s Hopes for High Quality Christian Education

The Grand Launching and Open House of Sekolah Dian Harapan (SDH) Sentul by Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation (YPPH) was keenly welcomed by more than 600 guests at the Bellanova Country Mall complex, Sentul.

Also present were YPPH founder Dr. James Riady, Executive Director Dr. Stephanie Riady, the Foundation’s Management Team, and Bogor regent Asmawa Tosepu, A.P., M.Si. A highlight of the ceremony was a tree planting activity which symbolized the beginning of SDH Sentul’s journey to support human capital development through quality education.

“The establishment of the first SDH in Bogor City in 2017 was very well received by the Bogor community. Now, after seven years, SDH Bogor enrolls 1,200 students with a waiting list that continues to grow,” said SDH school system coordinator Deny Kiswanto Sinaga, M.Ed. “The presence of SDH Sentul is a realization of the community’s hopes that more students can access the best educational opportunities.”

In his welcoming address, Mr. Asmawa Tosepu said education is a basic human right and one of the important pillars in the development of a nation. However, to meet the increasing educational needs, the government cannot work alone and thus the role of the private sector in building educational institutions is equally important.

“I hereby congratulate and fully support the establishment of SDH Sentul,” said Mr. Tosepu.

Located inside the Bellanova Country Mall complex, the school’s building and facilities are being renovated and will be ready for use in July 2025. It incorporates Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) with a total capacity of up to 1,000 students. New student registration for the 2025/2026 Academic Year has now been opened.

Thanks to God’s grace and favor, SDH now has presence in 17 locations across Indonesia, serving more than 13,000 students. May the leaders and teachers who will serve at SDH Sentul continue to faithfully proclaim Christ to every student entrusted to them.

All Glory be to God!

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